Fireworks and Combat Veterans Don’t Mix

Other than playing loud music and using drugs to help me get through fireworks on this Fourth of July, I did something different.
Fireworks and Combat Veterans Don’t Mix

Fireworks and Combat Veterans Don’t Mix

Other than playing loud music and using drugs to help me get through fireworks on this Fourth of July, I did something different.

This is my explanation of why fireworks and combat veterans don’t mix !

Please help me raise awareness for C-PTSD and share this video with friends and family. The only way to cut veteran suicide is to be aware of the problem.

Thank you!

Click Here To order on Amazon

Combat Medic
A soldier’s story of the Iraq war and PTSD

Next Up- Sinister Chuckles in Hell 

8 thoughts on “Fireworks and Combat Veterans Don’t Mix

  1. Such an important topic. I have PTSD and my trigger is elevators. I have made a lot of progress but educating others about any type of PTSD is crucial!


  2. Thanks for sharing this. This opened my eyes to how combat veterans must feel on July 4th. Thanks for raising awareness and for serving our country!


  3. I can make it through fireworks, but I don’t enjoy them like I used to. I can feel my heart rate jump and my blood pressure go up. My biggest thing, however, is I still don’t like people driving next to me. I’ll speed up or slow down to move away. I still find myself driving 90+ mph on the highway. That was 17 years ago too, and I still drive like a bat out of hell.


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